Discovering Quakers is a grassroots Quaker outreach initiative that provides those curious about Quakers easy to digest information and online events they can readily join.
We are a small group of members and attenders from various parts of Britain who are passionate about Quaker outreach. Early on we recognised that to be sustainable we needed to be supported by paid expertise which we were delighted to find was available within our Quaker communities. We pay for the services of a Digital Marketing Specialist and an Outreach Coordinator. There's more about all the Friends involved below.
Our initiative has been running since October 2022 when we received initial funding from the BYM Adventurous Outreach fund - a one-off fund of £80k helping innovative outreach approaches to get off the ground. Discovering Quakers was one of the initiatives funded. The intention of the fund was that initiatives would find other ways to become sustainable in the future.
We received a follow-on grant in Oct 2023 from the fund, which ran out in July 2024, and are now seeking to become sustainable through funding directly from Meetings and individuals via donations.
BYM remains supportive of Discovering Quaker's work.
In January 2024, Discovering Quakers became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1206818) and is currently applying to become a Quaker Recognised Body.
Also in January 2024, the Quaker Quest Network and Quaker Quest Euston were laid down and minuted that their assets would be transferred to Discovering Quakers. One of these assets is the marketing rights to the ‘Being a Quaker’ book written by Geoffrey Durham, who is a founding member of Discovering Quakers. We hope to publish a revised 3rd edition of the book in 2024.
We have achieved a great deal since we started. Some highlights from Discovering Quakers 2022-2023 Annual Report include;
You can find out more information about what we do and have achieved here.