Our main way of reaching out to people curious about Quakers is through social media advertising on Facebook and Instagram – you may have seen our advert on ‘7 interesting facts about Quakers’. Currently (Aug 2024), around 5,000 people see our ads every month. We currently spend £300 per month on social media advertising and would like to increase this as we now know it helps more people engage with what we have to say and offer.
We also reach out through our website aimed at the general public with regularly updated content, and posting content on Facebook, Instagram and more recently TikTok. We currently have 1041 followers on Facebook and 1260 on Instagram. Our website gets over 15,000 visits per month.
In addition, we bring Quakers to the public’s attention through printed matter having previously helped Meetings produce posters to support their local outreach. We would like to do more of this, but currently are limited due to our level of funding.
Once we have attracted someone’s attention we seek to engage and inform them about Quakers with easy to digest information, signposting them to other information sources and events they can join. Among the things we do are;
We invite people to give Quakers a try in numerous ways – through our email newsletters, our website and social media, and at our online events.
More recently we have launched a new service for enquirers to put them in touch with their local meeting when they sign up to our email newsletter. This is working better than expected with around 25% of people asking to be contacted by their local meeting – that’s 20 every week.