Enquirers service update (Dec 2024)

7th December 2024

In July this year we launched our new enquirers service that offers people signing up to our email newsletters the opportunity to be put in touch with their local Quaker Meeting. This was a step into the unknown, we didn’t know if it would fly or flop.

Now that the service has been running for five months, we have been surprised and delighted at the level of engagement with the service. Of the people who sign up for our emails, around 25% are put in touch with a local Meeting. You can find out more about the number of enquiries going to Meetings here. The document also shows which Meetings are signed up to the service - currently 280 Meetings. Our stats tell us that 28% of enquirers ask to be put in touch with Meetings that are not signed up.

We now have a useful set of data to work with, combined with feedback from Meetings of their experience of communicating with enquirers. This is helping us shape improvements we would like to make to the service. Some of these improvements are simple. For example, many enquirers do not seem to be ready to come to a Meeting but they do wish to make contact, so the next change will be to ask enquirers what they would like to receive from Meetings. More long term, we would like to start on version 2 of the service, but that will depend on levels of funding in 2025.

If you have feedback about how the service is working for you, why not come along to our Local Outreach Forum held on the second Thursday (1pm-2pm) of each month. Sign up to our email list or contact us to receive more details.